Friday, October 4, 2013

Q&A with Megan C. Smith author of "Expired Regrets"


Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Lovely and Talented Megan C. Smith author of "Expired Regrets"

Hi Megan, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Lets get started.

Me: What inspired you to write your first book?
Megan: Writing is my outlet, just as much if not more than reading. I blame an overactive imagination and stories and characters screaming in my head to get out. But to actually take the plunge and publish happened recently when talking with my dear friend and we decided to take this adventure and push each other so we didn’t chicken out.
Me: That's always fun when you can experience things with a friends, somehow it always makes it easier.

Me: When did you begin writing?
Megan: I have been writing for as long as I remember. In elementary school I wrote a children’s book and my Assistant Principal helped me bind it and make it a book and put it in our library.

Me: What would you say makes your book stand out from the rest?
Megan: My hope is my books are relatable; I’m not all about the happy ending or the smooth sailing story. I want heartache and lose intertwined in my stories. I want to evoke emotions and keep the reader on their toes.

Me: When you write, to what degree do real-life experiences serve as inspiration?
Megan: I would say my books are inspired just barely by real-life. I may pull things from experiences, but most is just my over active imagination and then once I create the characters they seem to take on a life of their own.

Me: What 3 words describe the author you want to be?
Megan: Inspiring. Approachable. Relatable. (Hopefully those make sense – LOL)

Me: Who is your favorite author?
Megan: I have to pick one?! That is an impossible task! My reading depends on my mood and what I’m needing from a book. I’d have to say Rachel Van Dyken and Kristin Vayden, two authors I know I can go to for an amazing read. K.S. Smith is a new author and dear friend who will be one to keep an eye on for sure! I’m a sucker for all the ones that everyone else is hooked on as well… If I listed them all this would be a mile long answer!

Me: What’s your favorite genre to read/write?
Megan: New Adult/Contemporary Romance. I LOVE to read paranormal and regency but don’t see myself writing either.

Me: What is your favorite part of your book?
Megan: Not sure I can say without spoiling… I love the gut wrenching, pour your heart out, you want to chuck the e-reader parts – ;-)
Me: I can tell you there were some times that during reading this I wanted to throw my kindle across the room

Me: Tell us about the cover/s and how it came about.
Megan: My cover I owe ALL credit to Laura from P.S. Cover Designs and Author Services. When we talked I gave her a quick synopsis and description and requested the angel on the cover, beyond that it is all her. When I saw it my exact words, once I was capable of forming them, was that she took the book and pulled it from my mind and brought it to life. She is a genius!
Me: I can tell you she hit the nail on the head with this cover, I absolutely love it!

Me: Where did the idea for Expired Regrets come from?
Megan: Oh gosh. I’m not sure it came from anything in particular. I use to ride competitively so there is that real-life coming in to play but beyond that, it just flowed out of me onto the computer. I wanted some angst and drama, so the storyline had been in my mind but I wasn’t sure where it would go from there.

Thank you very much Megan for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview. I look forward to more books by you!

If you want to follow this wonderful new author click on Megan's name below.

Facebook: Megan C.Smith
Twitter: @MSmith628
Megan C. Smith
Goodreads: Megan C.Smith
Amazon Author page: Megan C. Smith

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